Cmtv Live

WEB CMTV é o canal de televisão do Correio da Manhã

Veja as últimas notícias e reportagens sobre


O canal de televisão CMTV, do jornal português Correio da Manhã, é um dos mais assistidos em Portugal. A sua programação é composta por notícias, reportagens, debates e programas de entretenimento.

A CMTV foi lançada em 2013 e rapidamente se tornou num dos canais de televisão mais populares em Portugal. A sua programação é conhecida pela sua abordagem direta e polémica, o que tem atraído muitos espectadores.

Além da sua programação televisiva, a CMTV também tem uma forte presença online. O seu site e as suas redes sociais são atualizados diariamente com as últimas notícias e reportagens.

A CMTV é uma das principais fontes de informação para os portugueses. A sua programação é seguida por milhões de pessoas diariamente, o que faz dela um dos canais de televisão mais influentes em Portugal.


Se você é português e quer assistir TV portuguesa online, o CMTV é uma ótima opção. O canal oferece uma ampla variedade de programação, incluindo notícias, esportes, filmes e programas de TV.

Para assistir ao CMTV online, basta acessar o site do canal. Você também pode baixar o aplicativo CMTV para o seu smartphone ou tablet.

O CMTV é um ótimo jeito de se manter informado sobre as últimas notícias de Portugal. O canal também oferece uma variedade de programas de entretenimento, para que você possa sempre encontrar algo para assistir.


Se você é um criador de conteúdo, o YouTube é uma ótima plataforma para compartilhar seus vídeos com o mundo. O site oferece uma variedade de ferramentas para ajudar você a criar e editar seus vídeos, e também permite que você os compartilhe com milhões de pessoas.

Para criar um canal no YouTube, basta criar uma conta no Google. Depois de criar uma conta, você pode começar a enviar vídeos para o seu canal.

O YouTube é uma ótima maneira de se conectar com outras pessoas que compartilham seus interesses. Você também pode usar o YouTube para promover seu negócio ou marca.

Claudia Neumann Wohnort

WEB Claudia Neumann ist eine bekannte deutsche Sportkommentatorin im ZDF. WEB Claudia Neumann is a popular sports reporter journalist media personality and public figure. WEB BERLIN AP German broadcaster ZDF hit back Sunday at sexist insults on social media..

Claudia Neumann Verheiratet

Claudia Neumann: Die Pionierin im Sportjournalismus

Erfolgreiche Karriere als Sportreporterin

Claudia Neumann prägt seit vielen Jahren die Sportberichterstattung in Deutschland. Als erste Frau kommentierte sie Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften für das ZDF. Ihre Karriere als Sportreporterin ist von zahlreichen Erfolgen und Pionierleistungen geprägt.

Erste Frau bei großen Fußball-Events

Neumann gilt als Pionierin im Sportjournalismus. Sie war die erste Frau, die große Fußball-Turniere wie Welt- und Europameisterschaften live kommentierte. Mit ihrer Expertise und ihrem Sachverstand setzte sie neue Maßstäbe im Sportjournalismus.

Beschimpfungen und Beleidigungen

Als Frau im traditionell männlich dominierten Bereich des Sportjournalismus musste Neumann auch Rückschläge verkraften. Sie wurde wiederholt mit Beleidigungen und Beschimpfungen konfrontiert. Diese Erfahrungen haben sie jedoch nicht von ihrem Weg abgebracht.

Privates Leben

Trotz ihrer beruflichen Erfolge hält Neumann ihr Privatleben weitgehend aus der Öffentlichkeit heraus. Über ihren Ehemann, ihre Partner und ihre Familie ist wenig bekannt. Sie legt Wert darauf, ihr Berufsleben von ihrem privaten Leben zu trennen.


Claudia Neumann ist eine außergewöhnliche Persönlichkeit im Sportjournalismus. Als erste Frau, die große Fußball-Ereignisse kommentierte, hat sie Pionierarbeit geleistet. Ihre Expertise, ihr Sachverstand und ihre Leidenschaft für den Sport haben sie zu einer der renommiertesten Sportreporterinnen Deutschlands gemacht.

Claudia Neumann The History Of A Phenomenal Sports Commentator

Claudia Neumann: The History of a Phenomenal Sports Commentator

From Academic Pursuits to Breaking Barriers

Claudia Neumann's journey began in 1966. After graduating high school in 1984 and embarking on an enriching study abroad experience, she pursued higher education at the University of Bonn from 1986 to 1992. Her academic pursuits encompassed the fields of German Studies, Pedagogy, and Sports Science.

Pioneering the Path for Female Commentary

Claudia Neumann's remarkable career took a groundbreaking turn when she became the first woman to commentate on a Champions League final in 2023. This historic achievement, however, was met with a barrage of sexist insults and online harassment, highlighting the persistent challenges faced by women in sports commentary.

Undeterred by the adversity, Claudia Neumann's unwavering determination and professionalism have earned her widespread admiration. Her ability to navigate complex sports strategies and provide insightful commentary has silenced critics and paved the way for future generations of female sports commentators.

A Multifaceted Career in Media

Beyond her groundbreaking work in sports commentary, Claudia Neumann enjoys a multifaceted career in media. She is a renowned sports reporter, journalist, and public figure. Her expertise and eloquence have graced numerous media platforms, including print, television, and social media.

Claudia Neumann's passion for sports and her commitment to empowering women have made her a role model for aspiring professionals in the industry. Her enduring legacy as a trailblazing sports commentator will continue to inspire and motivate for years to come.

Claudia Neumann Sportmoderatorin

Claudia Neumann: Kontroverse Kommentatorin kehrt zum ZDF zurück

Erneute Kritik nach Live-Kommentar bei der EM

"Als Frau hast du da nichts zu suchen!" - Sexismus-Vorwürfe gegen ZDF-Sportreporterin

WEB ZDF-Kommentatorin Claudia Neumann hat erneut für Wirbel in den Sozialen Medien gesorgt. Als erste Frau kommentierte sie das Finale der Champions League der Männer und erlebte dabei massive Beleidigungen und Beschimpfungen. Trotzdem kehrt sie am Donnerstag zum ZDF zurück und wird ein Live-Spiel der Europameisterschaft kommentieren.

Die Berufung Neumanns stößt bei vielen Fußballfans auf Unverständnis und Kritik. "Als Frau hast du da nichts zu suchen!", lautete einer der vielen sexistischen Kommentare auf Twitter. Neumann selbst sieht darin einen Beweis für die immer noch vorherrschenden Vorurteile gegen Frauen im Sport.

"Es ist traurig, dass ich immer noch als Ausnahmeerscheinung wahrgenommen werde", sagte Neumann in einem Interview. "Ich möchte einfach, dass mein Geschlecht keine Rolle spielt und dass ich als Kommentatorin beurteilt werde, unabhängig von meinem Geschlecht.

Julian Assange Marries Long Term Partner At High Security Prison

Julian Assange marries long-term partner at high-security prison

Wife of Wikileaks founder reveals incredible moment

Assange to be freed under plea deal

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has married his long-term partner, Stella Moris, at a high-security prison in London. The wedding took place on Tuesday, June 25, 2023, and was attended by four guests, including the couple's two children.

In a statement released after the ceremony, Moris said she was "elated" and that it was "incredible" to finally be married to Assange. She also revealed that the couple had agreed to a plea deal under which Assange will be freed.

Assange has been held in prison since 2019, after being arrested on charges of espionage and computer hacking. He has been fighting extradition to the United States, where he faces further charges.

The terms of the plea deal have not been disclosed, but it is believed that Assange will be required to serve a period of time in prison in the United Kingdom before being released.

Julian Assange Israel

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Agrees to Plead Guilty in Exchange for Release

Ending Standoff With US

By Glenn Thrush and Megan Specia

In a stunning reversal, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to hacking charges in exchange for his release from prison and a deal that would end his years-long standoff with the United States.

The agreement, which is still being finalized, would resolve a protracted legal battle that has pitted Assange against the U.S. government. If approved by the court, Assange would admit to hacking into U.S. government computer systems and publishing classified information.

In return, the U.S. would drop its espionage charges against Assange and recommend a reduced sentence. Assange would also be allowed to return to Australia, where he has citizenship.

The deal is a significant victory for the U.S. government, which has been trying to extradite Assange for years. Assange has been held in a London prison since 2019, when he was arrested for breaching his bail conditions.

The agreement is also a major departure for Assange, who has long maintained his innocence and accused the U.S. of trying to silence him. It is unclear what led Assange to change his mind and agree to plead guilty.

The deal is expected to be finalized in the coming weeks. It must still be approved by the court and by Assange himself.